
FOUNDERS SPA Treatment (Notion Template)

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FOUNDERS SPA Treatment (Notion Template)

✧ FOUNDERS SPA Treatment is part of the early.tools ecosystem, the home to discover & learn from pre-launch startups. ✧ By downloading this product, you will be added to the weekly newsletter via newsletter.early.tools.

Prioritize your potential customer segments and early adopters to know which to tackle first, next & later.

The point of a SPA Treatment is to map & prioritise your customer segments and the early adopters within them. The table below is already pre-filled for a point of reference, so delete the examples at will… Your results will show your understanding of the market overall, so make sure you are going macro to micro from customer to early adopters. Aim for at least 15-25 items in your SPA Treatment before you move on.

How to use FOUNDERS SPA Treatment

The SPA Treatment is then applied onto your customer segments and early adopters. ↓

  1. Size of market → 3=large, 2=fair, 1=niche
  2. Price → 3=high budget, 2=fair budget, 1=low to no budget
  3. Access to early adopters → 3=minutes to hours, 2=will take some time, 1=will take weeks

Then, based on your highest score, you know which Customer Segment and even more importantly, which Early Adopters to prioritise first.

FOUNDERS SPA Treatment is FREE or pay whatever you want. 

About early.tools & Julian Paul

  • Book 1:1 calls if you are stuck/need direction.
  • early.tools is a hand-curated editorial platform. We take product submissions via early.tools/submit and select the highest quality from a growing backlog. Want to list faster? You can get one of the paid plans, which will get your early listing live almost instantly. If you’d like to sponsor at the top of the homepage, you can also head to early.tools/sponsor.
  • Don't know Notion? Here are some quick answers & how to use the product to its maximum potential. 
  • Any inquiries or questions, DM @itsjulianpaul via 𝕏.
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